Morning Prayer for Times of Transition and Change

1427667_31525848This was my prayer this morning:

God there is much before me, and much unknown. But you are also before me, help me to find you, and find your way.

Today is my first day without my friend and co-pastor Dave here at the church. He’s been called up north to continue his really wonderful relational ministry there. That leaves a large hole, or many different holes here to fill.

So as I was praying this morning and looking forward I realized that there is a lot of unknowns before not only me but also the church right now. What if we don’t find the right person? What if I make mistakes as I lead? What if in the transition I unintentionally hurt someone or miss something? There are a lot of “what if’s” whenever things change.

But as I prayed I realized something – even though a lot is unknown, there are a lot of potential pitfalls, and mistakes will surely be made (we are all human after all). One thing is sure. God is also before us. God is also leading us. God is also with us.

So even amidst change, transition, and uncertainty – I don’t believe we need to be fearful. Instead I think our call is simply to remain faithful. Faithful to God, and faithful to one another.

Because I really believe one thing is certain ~ God is before us. And if we look for him we will find him, and find his way for us.

So whatever today you might be facing, whatever uncertainty wonderings, or difficult futures I think the point is the same for you. God is before you, search and find him, follow him and he will get you through. The way may not be clear now, but the calling is: finding God and following God.

So may you do that this morning, and maybe even pray my morning prayer with me:

God there is much before me, and much unknown. But you are also before me, help me to find you, and find your way.


4 thoughts on “Morning Prayer for Times of Transition and Change

  1. Hi Andrew,

    I will be praying for you as you feel the void now that Dave is up north.

    I’m sure it will feel quite (in the office) and a little frantic (making sure everything is running as smoothly as possible) for a bit. Do you have enough help with kids’ ministries?



    1. Thanks for the prayers – and it is a little more quite for sure. Out of me, and Florence – Dave was definitely the chattiest 🙂 and I’ll check with the kids leaders but I’m sure they would always love more help 🙂


  2. Your thoughts are always so refreshing. They end up being inspirational, but not because they are trying to be, but because they are honest and true.


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